
Quest: Practice ’til Perfect

This quest requires completion of Behind the Curtain and is initiated by Mike.

Mike: Hey Sulley, I was thinkin’ this time I could be the straight guy and you could be the loveable goofball.

Sulley: But Mike, you kinda put the “ball” in goofball.

Mike: Ha! I always knew you were shape-ist.


  • Get Mike to rehearse at the Laugh Floor


Character Task Name Exp. Magic Time
Mike & Sulley Rehearse for Opening Night 31 300 8 hrs

Mike: I’d say that went perfectly!

Sulley: Yeah. Rehearsal was great! I hope we can be that good in the actual show.

Mike: Maybe we shouldn’t even try. I say we forget the show. You can’t top perfection, am I right?

Sulley: But Mike, I thought the show was for the kids.

Mike: Oh YEAH… The kids.


15 Exp, 100  Magic

Completion of this quest triggers Deal With Randall & Start Directive

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