
Quest: Jessie Never Gives Up!

This quest requires completion of Partners in Crime and is initiated by Jessie.

Jessie: Woody, we gotta do something! Sure, Buzz’s Spanish mode is kinda mysterious and exotic and romantic…

Woody: But there’s a good chance he’ll find a rocket and blow himself up trying to get to outer space.

Jessie: Yeah! So we gotta fix him before Zurg lasers us to smithereens!


  • Send Jessie to Pizza Planet to find a cure.


Character Task Name Exp. Magic Time
Jessie Brainstorm a Cure for Buzz 7 75 60 mins

Jessie: So, are you good with the plan?

Woody: You mean the one where we hold Buzz down, find the reset button, and push it as many times as it takes to get him back?

Jessie: That’s the one!


15 Exp, 100  Magic

Completion of this quest triggers

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